
Lately Live with David Allison – Why Demographic-Based Marketing is Tanking Your Sales Strategy (and How to Fix it)

David is an expert on human behavior, he has taken the old way we have been taught how to market and flipped it upside down. Valuegraphics now does things demographics could never do. In their wildest dreams. So why live in the past? Update your way of marketing and zoom past your competition.

Why Do We Still Use Demographics Then?

Well, why do we use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius? Why do we use feet instead of meters? Because we don’t mind making our lives harder if it means we can continue operating how we always have. People don’t like change. But maybe David can persuade you otherwise, and help you realize how much better value graphics is. You’d be doing yourself a disservice to not make the switch!

Demographics sit on the basis of stereotypes. They’re made to put people of all different backgrounds in little boxes and tell people that this group of humans are all the same and will operate the same way. When that is clearly false. As David says, “Apparently everybody who has a PhD and is a woman, and is 40 years old is exactly the same. And then they all like the same stuff. It’s ridiculous to say it out loud but when you think about how everything begins.”

Nothing demographics can gather is predictive of future behavior at all. You can gather up a group of 10 men who work in finance and in no way will they all respond and act the exact same way. They all have different interests, hobbies, and values.

David breaks this down by saying, “So you can have all the click data you want, all the geo tracking you want, all the statistics and demographics and all that stuff you want and that’s all cool to know. But none of it is predictive and can tell me for sure how you’ll behave tomorrow. Until we understand what your values are. When I know your values, and how you’re going to make all your decisions going forward.”

What good is collecting data about people if it doesn’t tell you how they might act in the future? Who cares that most of your audience is women under 25? That tells you nothing about how they feel about issues, what things they are interested in, and what things they hold most dear.

So let me ask you, why are you using demographics? It’s probably hard to come up with a good answer. But no fear! Valuegraphics is here.

Valuegraphics FTW!

So starting off, how is valuegraphics any better, you might ask? Let me stop you right there and hit you with a fact. Brace yourself. It is “Eight times more powerful if you’re using value-graphics versus demographics which is what every marketer on this call uses all day long is the old way of demographics so if we’re able to switch to value-graphics we’re gonna see an 8 times greater response”.

Did you catch that? EIGHT TIMES MORE POWER.

Let me ask you again. Why are you using demographics?

Now, using valuegraphics, you can really know your customers and your audience. You know what they want, what they value in life, and what they’re most likely to do in the future. So it’s safe to say valuegraphics is one of the most game changing inventions… ever, right?

I’m going to assume your jaw is on the floor and you’re baffled about this whole new discovery. Who wouldn’t want to learn more? David has so much more to share about valuegraphics and you can listen to him dive deep into the topic on his episode of Lately Live here:

More About David Allison

If there is one thing David Allison knows about, he knows about people. He pioneered the valuegraphics movement and changed the way we market forever. He now travels the world teaching other people about this exciting change in the way we think about marketing and selling. He is also the author of the best selling book We Are All the Same Age Now: Valuegraphics, The End of Demographic Stereotypes. You can shop his book here: Learn more about the movement at the valuegraphics website

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