
Lately Live with Mike Gingerich – How to Leverage Social Media for Lead-Generation

Mike is all about helping people and businesses grow. He uses his expertise to help small and medium sized companies navigate through the ups and downs they face in the crazy world of business. And he’s also pretty great with overall life advice.

Trust Me.

If there’s one thing that’s crucial for getting someone to invest into learning more about your company or purchasing the product or service, its trust. People tend to buy from people they like, especially when you’re talking about small or medium sized companies. The more genuine and friendly you seem, the more open people will be to trusting you. Mike details this development of trust perfectly, when he says:

“They have to know you, they have to begin to like you. And you move to a deeper level where they trust you. And when they have moved down that pathway a little further, then they’re ready to, you know, come over and hear from you in a more personal way and on like your website”.

People want to support people they like and respect, and they’re going to want to know they can trust you with their hard earned cash and know that you’ll deliver on your side of the bargain, with whatever product or service you offer.

Simply put, “People are going to do business with people they feel comfortable with”. And quite perfectly put, may I add?

The Purpose of Social Media.

Besides wasting your time scrolling on Instagram and Twitter while avoiding all your real world responsibilities, social media has become integral in the world of business and marketing. But it’s the way you use social media that will really make you or break you.

Tons of people use social media the wrong way. It is NOT a place to try and make sales. As Mike says, “The purpose of social is not sales. The purpose of social media is for people to have a place to engage with others and so you got to use it that way”.

Social media is a place for you to engage with your audience and build that trust. Like we talked about before, remember? You won’t see the results you want by heavily relying on social media for sales, because social media isn’t a place people usually go to make purchases. For most people, social media is an escape, not a place they are expecting to drop a few hundred dollars on a product they know hardly anything about.

So use your platforms wisely! Build that trust with your audience, make them aware of your products or services and then give them a website to easily find so they can learn more to see if that product or service is for them. Give them a way to keep up to date on your business like a weekly news blog via email, or an email list to be notified for future releases of new products or updates. The interactions can start on social, but rarely end there.

Now, hop on your social platforms and see if you’ve been utilizing them in a smart way or if you have a little more work to do! And whatever you do, don’t fall down a hole or random videos and wake up out of your trance 2 hours later. Trust me, it can happen. Also, if you want to hear everything else Mike and Kate had to chat about, you can listen to this episode of Lately Live here:

More About Mike Gingerich

Mike has a seemingly endless pool of advice to give to absolutely anyone to help them grow, and who doesn’t want a little extra healthy advice from a master of the business? I’m serious, try to name one person. Since you probably couldn’t, and you probably want more of his advice already, head on over to his website to soak up all the information you can! You can also find out more info on his many amazing books on his website as well. Happy learning!

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