The Definitive Guide:

Marketing FOMO is Dead, POSTMO is here!

What you can expect from the guide:

  • Understand why a FOMO marketing strategy is outdated.
  • Learn about "postmo," how it differs from "promo" and how "promo" limits engagement, resources and revenue.
  • Discover the benefits of "postmo" and how to institute it in your company's marketing strategy today.
  • Learn how Netflix and Amazon used Long Tail marketing to succeed and how you can too.
  • Discover how to repurpose your long-form content to increase engagement and revenue.
  • Learn how AI does all of the above, automatically.

In the past few decades, the way customers digest content has made a massive switch – nearly nothing is live, everything is recorded and consumed at will. But most marketers are still woefully operating in the past, with outdated strategies like FOMO and promo leading the pack. At the same time, they are leaving mountains of content untouched, gathering dust – a literal Goldmine that can easily be unlocked – all that's required is a mindset shift that aligns with today's modern customer. This e-book will guide you through what outdated strategies to chuck, what new strategies to adopt, why and a step-by-step outline of how. 12 minute read.

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99% of Posts on Social Get ZERO Engagement. Don’t let that be you.