Source Articles From UpContent and Create AI-Generated Posts in Lately

Consistently provide your social media audience with valuable articles that help inform their efforts and better enrich their understanding of your organization.
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Get more content out on Social

By leveraging Lately and UpContent, your team can easily source the most valuable news and blog articles that will be expertly crafted into  AI-generated social media posts.

With this integration you can illustrate your brand strategy and support the achievement of your marketing goals.


Build your Content Pipeline in UpContent

Leverage UpContent’s proprietary discovery engine to find relevant content from unique and credible sources you hadn’t discovered, in addition to your favorite go-to publications - faster and all in one place. 


Send Your Content to Lately!

With the built in integration, all your blogs and articles will be transported to Lately’s “Generator Sources” instantly! 

Lately will then automagically create pre-tested social media posts for you to review and edit!


Edit and Publish!

Each social media post that gets created is a different quote that our AI knows will get you the highest engagement.

Edit and manage your content to add maximum value to all AI-generated posts.

Schedule and publish across all of your social channels!

“Before Lately, I didn’t have enough content to post. Now, I automatically have multiple posts (25-30!), for five social platforms and a blog.”
Robert Bowen
Founder and CEO, Patriotic Insurance Group

Why Lately.AI? Because our AI-generated results don’t muck around.

Generate Social Content the New Way

Stop guessing what to write. Lately’s AI creates organic social media content that it already knows your audience will love.

Social Selling on Steroids

Generate consistent, engaging content that converts high-quality leads for employees who don’t know a dang thing about copywriting.

Unlock the Power of Longform Content

Automatically atomize any longform video, audio, or text into dozens of pre-tested social media posts designed to magnify engagement.

Game-Changing AI Insights

Learn the key words, phrases and values that make up the messaging your brand’s audience actually wants to watch, hear or read.

Ready to connect UpContent with Lately?

Ready to stop being satisfied with mediocre social posts that don't do jack shizzle?