Sarah Evans: How to Market an Online Conference

50,000 people standing 6 feet apart, masked up in a stadium? Not happening. But online conferences are not exactly new. It’s just that now, it’s the new norm.

In fact, the idea of rethinking conferences altogether is a bit behind the times. I mean, raise your hand if you’ve been to a conference that doesn’t do the same thing year after year. Yaaaaaaaaawn.

Not surprisingly, the marketing of conferences – whether in person or online – is also woefully dinosauric; every conference you can think of has CONTENT OUT THE WAZOO that’s talked about once (at best) – only to be tossed aside into a vast cemetery of wasted effort. (Think: interviews, panels, keynotes, yada yada.)

It’s time for both to catch up.

Join moi and Digital PR SUPERSTAR Sarah Evans for the next Lately Live, where we’ll talk about the new way of conference and event marketing and the evolution of large-scale social gathering for business.

Sarah Evans is the founder and CEO of Sevans Strategy and Sevans Digital PR, where she’s been a digital correspondent and consultant for global brands like Paypal, Cox Communications, MGM International, Walmart and others. From all things digital strategy, to branding, marketing, advertising and PR, Sarah’s marketing brain is MEGA-MONDO.

But what I especially love is her ability to glean what customers care about and to nimbly communicate what matters through thoughtful, meaningful messaging.

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